What is Planetary Combination for IAS and IPS in Birth Chart?

Vinay Bajrangi
4 min readFeb 19, 2022


Many sincere IAS aspirants say winning the IAS title is far more significant than winning a miss world title. The tremendous job security and satisfaction, the power and authority you wield over others, and the help you can extend to suffering souls are offered in unbelievable proportions in this job. It not only promises a skyrocketing pay scale, but it also provides you with free accommodation government vehicles for commuting. These reasons are adequate for you to take up the challenge and prove your mettle. There are so many Astrological Combinations for Success in a Career. Right Career Selection as per the birth chart is not difficult.

What are the combinations that help clear the competitive exams?

Certain combinations help the student clear the competitive exams. Success in Career as per Horoscope requires a higher academic qualification to win the exams. The second, fourth, fifth, and ninth houses are considered for good education. The presence of good yoga also does the magic.

Essential Houses:

There should be a strong and mutual relationship between Ascendant, Sixth, and tenth Bhavas and their lords for victory in any competitive examination. Check the third house to know about your rivals and the extent of your willpower.

Role of Amatyakarka:

Planetary Combinations for Career Growth, suggest that an amatyakarka should be strong in swasthana, exalted, vargottamamsha, etc. If the powerful amatyakarka is in the third and eleventh houses, the native reaches heights in his career. amatyakaraka should be placed in the center, or 3rd or 11th house from the Atma karaka in navamsha chart for the native to get a barrier-free job.

Dasha or period of planets:

The chances to acquire the IAS designation are easy during the Dasha of the tenth, sixth, third and Lagna lords. The fifth house, ninth house, their owners, and planets occupying the fifth and ninth house, whether these planets are auspicious/inauspicious, or in enmity or affinity, must be studied. If Sun and Mercury occupy the Ascendant and enjoy the benefit aspect of Guru on them, a high position in administrative service is guaranteed. Dasha of these above planets also augurs well for acquiring this job. The native’s education is perfect when the second, fourth, fifth, and ninth house of the horoscope is strong. By the position of Mercury, Guru, and mars, we can find out about the education probabilities. Both sun and guru help achieve higher ranks. Saturn also needs to be exalted as there is a lot of interaction with the public.

How can you choose subjects to clear the IAS exam?

You can choose the below subjects to clear the IAS exam based on the planetary position in the fourth and fifth house. Subjects Selection as per birth chart has to be done. Sun indicates Arts and science. Mars signifies biology; Moon, travel, and tourism; Jupiter, any subject that involves teaching; Mercury, commerce, and computer; Venus, media, mass communication, music; Saturn, technical field, and math. Planets in different combinations suggest different subjects that are not in this list as well. Conclude after carefully weighing the possibilities.

Which planetary configurations promise a job in the IAS or IPS?

Mutual conjunction between the ninth, tenth and eleventh house and parivartan Yoga indicates success in the government job. If planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, or Venus are very well disposed of and have benefic aspects or conjunction, the native is sure to join IAS. If Saturn and Mars are connected with the tenth house or its lord in the birth chart or D9 chart, the native joins the police.

Exalted Moon positioned in Kendra or connection with the Tenth House or lord. If the ascendant, fifth, and 10th lord is mutually conjoined, and one planet is debilitated, IAS is promised. If, in the D10 chart, lord of the ascendant, lord of the 10th and 5th lord, or any two lords mutually conjunct in the 10th house, promises the highest office.

Career Selection as per Astrology: How can astrology help to choose the most appropriate career selection?

What is the other yoga’s to acquire an IAS job?

Other yoga’s help acquire an IAS job. If the 11th lord is occupying the ninth or related with the lord of the Tenth House, IAS possibilities are heightened. If exalted Jupiter or Venus in the Fifth House and aspected by benefits with Sun also in a powerful position, the native occupies the highest chair in the government department during the Dasha of the above planets. Lagnesh and Dashmesh are in the center or occupying trikona, exaltation, or swasthana, and Guru positioned in cancer guarantees this coveted job. If Sun and Mercury are in ascendant, and aspect of benefic Guru is on them, the native becomes a part of the IAS legion.

Are there some general yogas that confer this post?

There is a couple of general yoga’s that confers this post.

Raja Yoga: Lagna lord in a relationship with either lord of the fourth, fifth, or the seventh or ninth or tenth indicates Raja Yoga.

Gaja Kesari Yoga: Jupiter in a quadrant from the Moon or in conjunction with it indicates that the person is brilliant, strong, chaste, affluent, and of royal bearing. He is sure to be famous sometime in his life.

Dhan Yoga: If the lord of the Lagna is connected with the lords of the second, fifth, ninth, or Eleventh House, the person will be rich.

Mercury-Aditya Yoga: The Sun and Mercury conjunction will form this yoga. This native will be sweet, clever, knowledgeable, composed, and earns wealth due to serving others.

Karma Jeeva Yoga: Mercury strongly posited in the tenth, with no trace of malefic aspect, creates this yoga. His decisions and personality have a far-reaching impact.

Source URL: https://sites.google.com/view/vinaybajrangis/blog/planetary-combination-for-ias-and-ips



Vinay Bajrangi
Vinay Bajrangi

Written by Vinay Bajrangi

Dr. Vinay Bajrangi is the famous astrologer in India and Delhi NCR. For know more click on https://www.vinaybajrangi.com/

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